Witness to Wars

Posted by on Apr 3, 2013 in Dan Eldon Legacy

Dan Eldon’s journal #14 is included in WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath, which is currently on exhibit at the Annenberg Space for Photography (Los Angeles, CA) March 3–May 26, 2013, and then travels to the Corcoran Gallery of Art (Washington D.C.), finishing the year at the Brooklyn Museum.

WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath includes nearly 500 objects, photographs, books, magazines, albums, and photographic equipment.  The photographs were made by over 280 photographers from 28 nations who have covered conflict on 6 continents over the past 165 years; from the Mexican-American War in 1846 through present day conflicts.  The exhibition takes a critical look at the relationship between war and photography, exploring the types of photographs that are and are not taken during wartime.  Rather than presenting a chronological survey of wartime photographs or a survey of “greatest hits”, the curators have identified types of photographs repeatedly made during the many phases of war, regardless of the size/cause of the conflict, the photographers’/subjects’ culture, or the era in which the pictures were made.

For more information about the show –

Full LA Times Article
