The Journey is the Inspiration: Joanna Bennett
I came across this talented young man’s work on the web several years ago. To say I was blown away is an understatement. I think what grabs me most about his work was his celebration of his surroundings, his love of diversity, his honest documentation, unaltered. As it has already been stated, his work is real and raw and so often we don’t want to embrace the rawness. Too often we want to see a pretty picture, a pretty world. We want to hear and see the happy, smiling faces. It takes great courage to show the ugliness, the rawness of this world and of ourselves.
Image one is a collaboration with my husband, Glen, who is a writer/poet, spoken word artist, artist. It was through him I also learned to understand and appreciate the beauty of real and raw. This piece is not in an art journal but is a portion of a 6 feet x 20 inches piece of plywood mural that hangs in our home representing a celebration of our collaboration and diversity through art and poetry.
Image two is also a collaboration between Glen and I in that both of our words are shared on this page.
Image three is mine from my art journal.
Joanna C. Bennett
Glen Wright