Safari + Party = Safarty?
Tomorrow, Thursday September 18, 2014 marks what would be Dan’s 44th birthday! Here at Creative Visions, we take birthdays very seriously, and by seriously, I mean we go big! How big? A safari and a party!! In other words – what Dan did best. So first, if you live anywhere close to Malibu, CA or if […]
The Journey is the Inspiration: Sara Cummings
In early July, I went to Sunset Beach, North Carolina for my family’s 30th annual beach vacation. It’s a time for us to relax, drink margaritas, eat double scoop waffle cones, and best of all, just sit together and talk. It’s that week of the year that we all cherish and absolutely hate to miss. […]
The Journey is the Inspiration: Ellie Crosby
Ellie Crosby was the Dan Eldon Legacy visionary (not intern) at Creative Visions this summer. Today is her last day, so as her final task, we asked her to write a blog post about how Dan has inspired her. Ellie, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to share Dan’s story with the […]
An Excerpt from “Art of Life”: Thanksgiving
An excerpt from the book Art of Life by Jennifer New. The fall of 1991 served as an antidote to the perpetual overcast of London and the sultry, labyrinthine alleyways of Morocco. Having temporarily given up the mobile shop, Dan returned to Los Angeles to take a few classes through UCLA Extension. It proved to be his […]
An Excerpt from “Art of Life”: Northern Kenya
Northern Kenya Oct. 28, 1990 Frontier town By: Dan Eldon Everyone is armed, things are sharp. O.k. I finally have a lot to say, but I don’t want to write the usual self-centered white man traveling in Africa story. I’m sick of films and books set in third-world places about Euros floating around and showing […]
Our World, Their Lens
“It was exploring the unknown and trying to make it known to the rest of the world that led to Dan’s death. In the months before he died he made a name for himself covering the civil war in Somalia. Dan took searing images of the conflict’s innocent victims — skeletal children and starving men […]
The Journey is the Inspiration: Joanna Bennett
I came across this talented young man’s work on the web several years ago. To say I was blown away is an understatement. I think what grabs me most about his work was his celebration of his surroundings, his love of diversity, his honest documentation, unaltered. As it has already been stated, his work is […]
An Excerpt from “Art of Life”: Arriving in Blantyre
An excerpt from the book Art of Life by Jennifer New. In the last week of the trip, Dan put a new sticker on Deziree’s bumper: “Positive Vibrations.” They needed the sentiment as they skirted the Mozambique border on their way to Bantyre. The area had a trashed, desolated look. The purpose of the trip, largely overlooked […]
Meeting Ralph: An Essay
Ralph Waldo Emerson By Dan Eldon It’s Monday and time to do my essays for class. Gone are the days of churning out a page and a half on “what I did last summer or over the weekend.” For Wednesday I have due: “Discuss the characteristics of Romanticism, using examples from Goethe, Wordsworth, and Keats” […]
The Journey is the Inspiration: Patrick Ahern
I am a crocheter, knitter, and knot-tier and fiber is my media of choice in creating art. I grew up in Woodland Hills, CA where my mom taught me to crochet and knit during my last year in high school; I haven’t put it down since. Crocheting pictures came out of my frustration with making […]